Medieval History Database - Feature : Gilded Manuscript Display Feature Update -
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Medieval History Database - Feature : Gilded Manuscript Display Feature Update

Feature : Gilded Manuscript Display Feature Update

Gilded Manuscript Display Feature Update 19 January 2021

The software for this feature continues to progress, and can now handle multiple types of gilding or other surface materials - e.g. both gold and silver leaf on the same page, or gold leaf and gold paint, etc.
An option allowing the user to change the light source is also in development: e.g. the light source could be changed to a candle to provide a flickering glow similar to what the people of the time would have used, or a window letting light in, either normal glass or stained glass. This provides a better indication of the original effect and changes the appearance of the gilding substantially.

Planned features include:

Display historical information about each item.

Option to turn pages in manuscripts so that the glow effect shifts as the page curves and rotates.

Option to 'clean up' the image so that it looks more similar to what the original may have looked like before the ravages of time set in. This feature may or may not be technically feasible.

Below is an updated demonstration video:

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