Call for Papers: The phenomenon of pilg...
The phenomenon of pilgrimages. Reflections and practices from a multidisciplinary perspective
Studies on pilgrimages, what has been called "Pilgrimage Studies", have manifested as an expanding field of work in these first years of the 21st century. The growing cultural interaction, fostered to a large extent by the so-called information society, has motivated the recognition that local pilgrimage phenomena have mirrors in many other latitudes. In this sense, it can be said that Santiago de Compostela and the Camino constitute a fruitful laboratory in the matter. In this city, and from the research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela, they have reflected, published and organized events on the so-called "xacobeo phenomenon", both from the disciplines of Art History, as well as Geography, the History, Philology or Economics. Even,
This is not an isolated phenomenon. Indeed, other universities have created Centers to stimulate studies on the pilgrimage and organize activities and publications. The Center for Pilgrimage Studies at the University of York, the Oxford Pilgrimage Studies Network or the Pilgrimage Studies Networkare some examples. Parallel to this institutional process, academic articles and specialized books have also been published, as well as workshops and studies that seek to reflect on pilgrimages from a global perspective. In such a way, the understanding of pilgrimages becomes more complex. The new lines of work introduce tourism and political and economic impacts as an important part of the investigations. At the same time, the focus of interest is broadening. Thus, the Maghreb, Southeast Asia, India, Malaysia, the Pacific Islands, Australia, South Africa or Latin America complement Europe as study centers of pilgrimage phenomena.
Number 33 of the SÉMATA Magazine, of the Faculty of Geography and History of the University of Santiago de Compostela, offers a framework to present research on the phenomenon of pilgrimages, either from an eminently theoretical dimension, or from a fundamentally supportive practical. That is to say, there will be room for both works that address questions about the idea of ??pilgrimage, its debates and its different approaches to it, as well as studies that refer to specific pilgrimages in different locations on the planet. Likewise, there is no chronological cut in our proposal; In this way, it is possible to send manuscripts regardless of the specific period of study.
In the same purposeful sense, the dossier that we present wishes to delve into one of the hallmarks of the SÉMATA journal, which is multidisciplinary. Based in the disciplines of Geography, Art and History as institutional fields, but also as fruitful fields of knowledge, we intend from them to promote an encounter between various disciplines typical of the human and social sciences, such as Philology, Literature, Economics, Tourism, Political Science or Sociology, among others.
We call, therefore, specialists from different disciplines to contribute their work to reflect on pilgrimages. The objective is to problematize the pilgrimages in order to reach different theoretical and empirical points of view, and thus show a complex idea about the phenomenon from different epistemic approaches, which can –and should– complement each other. In this way, we are looking for semantics that can build ways of dialogue between disciplines, with contributions that can come from different languages, such as Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English, German and Italian.
Work schedule:
March 1, 2021: receipt of article proposals. They must include name and institutional affiliation of their authors; abstract; keywords; ten curricular lines about its author / s. They should be sent by email to the coordinators of the number: Israel Sanmartín Barros ( and Juan M. Trillo Santamaría ( ).
March 15, 2021: personal communication of the proposals
June 31, 2021: delivery of originals
The journal's publishing rules can be consulted at:
More information about the publication at:
SÉMATA is an interdisciplinary journal, published annually, that publishes original research works on any of the specialties related to the field of Social Sciences and Humanities. The issues of the magazine have a monographic and rotating nature between the areas of Geography, History and Art History.
The journal is indexed in the following databases: CIRBIC, DIALNET, DICE, FRANCIS, LATINDEX, ISOC, Modernitas Citas, REBIUN, RESH,
Ulrich's Directory, MIAR, e-Magazines. It has an impact index in Humanities of 4,380 (MIAR), an international diffusion assessment of 10.5% (DICE), category B (ANEP) and meets 32 of the 33 LATINDEX criteria.
The SÉMATA portal is published in Galician, Spanish and English; the languages ??of publication are Galician, Portuguese, Catalan, Spanish, French, English, German and Italian. Each work will be read by the scientific coordinators of the number. Papers that do not strictly adhere to the standards indicated will be returned to the authors for correction before being reviewed by the consultants. Each article will be subjected to a double external and anonymous review by experts in the field, appointed by the Editorial Board. The content of this journal is available as free access 6 month (s) after the issue has been published.